Last year when nosotros added trim around our windows, we had to chip away some of the laminate backsplash to make room for the new trim. And then for about a year our kitchen window has had broken plaster and chipped away laminate, plus nosotros take non finished adding the framing to the window.

how to remove laminate backsplash

Lately, Eric and I have talked nearly finishing that window now the we have our own air compressor. And considering we will demand to remove some more of the backsplash, I suggested nosotros just remove all of it and re-mud all at once. Eric idea that was a neat thought merely nosotros should finish some other projects showtime. Sadly I agreed and worked on finishing the other projects.


Simply one mean solar day, I was doing the dishes looking at the unfinished window and well out came the tools… And now our backsplash looks like this, at least it all looks the same now.


If you follow me on Instagram yous would know I did not tell Eric until it was done. He didn't fifty-fifty say annihilation, he must love me! But in my defense, I was but going to endeavour to remove the side piece to see how hard the backsplash was to remove. But information technology turns out that information technology was and so EASY… So I connected with the remainder of it.

Now onto how I removed the laminate backsplash.

Tools Needed:
– Utility Knife
– Puddy Knife
– Crow Bar

First I took my utility knife and cut along the edges of the backsplash. I did not push hard, I just cutting the paint away from the backsplash.

Next I put my puddy knife in between the wall and the backsplash. Slowly I pulled the backsplash away from the wall.Then I put my crow bar (wonder bar) in between the wall and backsplash, again slowly pushing the laminate away from the wall.


After a couple of minutes I removed the side slice.

how to remove laminate backsplash

Before I started on the main section, I removed the outlets from the wall. And I did take this section in smaller pieces. Here is the pile of our sometime backsplash and I think someone called Wayne installed it. What do y'all think?


Thanks Wayne, it did look beautiful before I ruined it…

Now our kitchen is xanthous (every bit my girl says it). But at least its ane footstep closer to being washed.


I have already started on re-mudding the wall. It makes me happy!

Has anyone else randomly demoed something? Or practise you lot want to demo your kitchen backsplash?