
How To Remove Paint From Glass Window

  • a very make clean/new razor blade or scraper! they sell them just for this in the paint asile

  • I just cleaned some VERY quondam windows for a craft project and used a product called Goof Off. It softens even the oldest paint and and so you tin can wipe and/or scrape it correct off. Definitely do this with windows open and lots of ventilation -- the fumes are potent. We also used this to remove 30+ yr former pigment from our wood floors when we pulled up the carpeting -- came right off and didn't damage the wood!

  • I'm with Becky....I use a make new razor blade!

  • Buy single border razor blades or go to your local home store. They take pocket-size tools with razor edging that work great and too accept replaceable blades.

  • Thanks all! I really appreciate the advice: Goof Off and a razor/scraper sounds like the best bet!

  • Kim N Kim N on Jul 07, 2022

    I use a straight border razor bract and window cleaner. Comes correct off.

  • Dan M Dan M on Jul 07, 2022

    I normally supplant each pane of glass after painting. No messy cleanup.

  • Don't use the goof off next to the painted edge, yous will ruin the paint.

  • My married man is an creative person and then I employ turpentine and a strait border razor

  • Hand grenades, if that doesn't work try the blade thought.

  • I always apply a razor bract and it works bully...

  • RAZOR Blade. Allow the paint dry, then gently scape off the paint with a razar blade. Then wipe with glass cleaner and your washed. Don't push too hard and so as not to pause the glass and avoid scratching information technology.

  • B B on Jul 07, 2022

    A razor blade and window cleaner- just exist gentle.

  • Use the razor blade to cutting down on glass, next to the frame and so the debri (paint) comes off make clean from the frame. If non the debri might be jagged coming off the frame. I promise this makes sense.

  • Razor blade scraper,after cutting next to the frame.

  • i wash windows for a living. the undercover is to use soapy water make sure the window is WET or you scratch the glass. Then utilize a very sharp razor like the loose ones they sell at hardware stores. They also sell a blade holder tool which is a great idea. Scrape off and the rewet and squeggee off.

  • Utilise a dull razor blade at a slanted bending then not to scratch the glass, just this works best. Can fifty-fifty smooth out the edging on the frame with the bract.

  • Use the scraper thing that a razor bract fits into, the erstwhile fashioned razor blade. This is the simply fashion to do it hands. Comes right off and blade gets in the corners.

  • Razor blade--best if you get a fiddling holder and one-sided blades to become in it. It volition relieve your fingers.... signed gnarled fingers from way too much hand piece of work in house renovation...

  • I'yard with everyone else.....blade information technology. And tell hubby to use painters tape adjacent time he paints a window with panes. It takes less time to tape information technology off than information technology does to blade the results of a non taped window.

  • Yep, razor blade scraper.

  • It's unanimous! Apply a razor blade scraper! LOL

  • I'm a stained glass creative person... the best tool I have found is the finest steel wool. I call up it'due south 0000. Located at your nearest Hardware Shop. ( No water needed)

  • I kinda like to pigment a piffling onto the glass too, on older windows where the putty is starting to compress. It helps seal the woods and putty to the glass, and the cleanup is a task, but worth the try. Bluish tape helps.

  • Paw the HUB's a razor blade and show him the window, then you go shopping. :)

  • Yep, a razor bract. And I do this on purpose. I think it's much easier to scrape off than record.

  • Jana Jana on Jul 08, 2022

    I accept a pile of quondam window frames and they all accept lots of paint on the panes, the mode I remove the paint is to employ a razor blade slanted at an bending, also be certain to put the blade into one of those holders~you don't want to cut yourself.

  • I'g with Ballad Chiliad, the razor is easier than taping foe me

  • Jan T January T on Jul 08, 2022

    use a razor. it works better than anythig else

  • JimG JimG on Jul 08, 2022

    HOW I apply a razor: **** Be CARFEFUL Non to put besides much pressure on the bract. Slight angle and slow and easy! Piece along the edge of the window to drinking glass (right along the caulk fabric), THEN SCRAPE the paint toward the border. It should arrive easy to vacuum off the glass (easier and then pulling it pieces at a fourth dimension.) ** I've painted intentfully W/O tape to come across if it was just as much time Non to apply painters record, but use THAT time to scrape, just I've painted LOTS of windows to know that its easier for me to record, then paint, then afterward removing the tape, only a tiny bit of tape to scrape.

  • Take a utility knife and trim around the inside of the window panes then when you lot remove the paint with a razor or even the utility knife works nifty you won't remove the paint on the wood.

  • I'1000 with the remainder ! Use a razor blade. It comes off better than anything else I've tried.

  • Spray glass cleaner and then while wet use a direct edge razor blade. Always work with a wet surface or y'all can scratch the glass.

  • we are all in agreement re the razor solution...As well one can use vaseline as a pre-empt with 1's finger

  • @Ginny G I like the mode you lot call back Daughter! HaHaHA

  • Apply a paint scrapper. Its a cheap tool that uses a direct razer bract (comes with the tool) You can get them at any hardware store and most grocery stores

  • I apply a small bract scraper, and it always works well. Afterward I clean the window with glass cleaner and paper towels. I wouldn't use anything that might affect the paint. All-time of luck.

  • I retrieve men do this type chore on purpose sometimes, then we won't ask them to do things! Let him make clean information technology, he won't brand that mistake once again.

  • Unmarried edge razor blades--the traditional choice and it works. They are often put INTO window scrapers so they are easier to hold. Follow Diana Deiley'south communication.

  • A razor bract held at an angle to the glass is the best way to remove paint. I NEVER tape off my glass whatsoever more than. The razor is faster, cleaner, and doesn't go out a tape film (and is cheaper!) One important tip: Have the razor tip or a abrupt pointed pocketknife and cut the pigment where the paint leaves the surface and touches the glass. Get as shut to the painted surface as you dare. Then, when yous scrape the paint off the glass, it leaves a "clean" edge side by side to the painted surface. Looks every bit though you DID record information technology! :)

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