
How To Cook A Ribeye Roll

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The Best Ribeye Roast Recipe - easy and delicious broiled ribeye roast with a crunchy crust and tons of juicy ribeye season with almost no piece of work - this recipe is perfect for even beginner cooks!

Similar to prime number rib, ribeye roast is the boneless juicy, tender show-stopping steak that will be the star of your holiday dinner tabular array!

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

Here at Sugariness C's, nosotros have lots of types of readers - those who similar to get directly to the recipe, and those who would like more information, including tips and tricks to feeling more comfortable in the kitchen.

We provide a skip to recipe button in the top left corner, likewise equally a clickable table of contents, just beneath, to help make this folio easier to navigate.

Table of contents

  • Piece of cake Baked Ribeye Roast
  • How To Cook Ribeye Roast
  • Tips to Perfect Ribeye Roast & FAQs
    • Recipe FAQ's
  • What To Serve With Ribeye Roast
  • The All-time Ribeye Roast Recipe
picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

Piece of cake Baked Ribeye Roast

If you're looking for a delicious, juicy, and incredibly flavorful roast that is easy to fix, roast, and serve - await no further than this Ribeye Roast Recipe.

Similar to prime rib (only without having to trim any bones!), this ribeye roast is packed with flavor, takes less than 3 hours total, and is a stunning dish for a vacation dinner.

If you lot're hosting Christmas eve or Christmas dinner, y'all Demand to have this ribeye roast on your carte du jour, especially served with our perfect soft buttery dinner rolls, Perfect Creamy Mashed Potatoes, Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes, The All-time Easy Keto Mashed Cauliflower, The Best Air Fryer Keto Rolls and more!

You won't believe how simple this stunning dish is to make - even beginner cooks can go a restaurant quality ribeye roast - simply a roasting pan is needed! If yous're looking for a succulent way to make prime rib outside - try our Rotisserie Prime number Rib recipe! It is FULL of flavour and so easy to make!

If you're confused by what makes a prime rib and what makes a ribeye roast, you're not lone. In a lot of means, they are the same - but a ribeye roast refers to the large, central muscle that runs along a cow'southward ribs - making up the "middle" of the roast.

If you lot cut your prime rib roast away from the bones, leaving that eye and a protective layer of fat, you lot have what's termed a "ribeye" roast. Ribeye roasts are very similar to prime rib in flavour, but different in how they are cutting from the bone.

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

How To Melt Ribeye Roast

To brand this recipe, yous'll need:

  • 1 ribeye roast, about 5 pounds - pat roast dry from any packaging liquid and let roast come up to room temperature for best results.
  • 4tbsp melted butter, for brushing - basting ribeye roast with butter helps herbs and spices stick to meat, helps lock in flavor, and adds fat to develop a crisp, crunchy chaff to the outside of meat for a rich and delicious season that is hearty and sumptuous.
  • two tablespoons minced garlic - garlic brings an earthy, rich layer of flavor to meat that tin can heighten meaty flavor and add more dimension to your dish.
  • 2 tablespoons kosher table salt - a loftier quality salt, preferably one with a crunchy texture that won't melt into the meat is a lovely add-on to ribeye roast chaff.
  • 2 tbsp Italian seasonings - calculation layer of flavor from basil, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, and coriander give more depth to your meat's flavor and brand information technology completely irresistable!

Cooking ribeye roast is far less intensive than other roasts - we prep it by rubbing with seasonings and coating in butter, broil information technology at a very high temperature for a brusk corporeality of fourth dimension, and and then roast for almost ii hours.

Then the roast sits for a one-half an hour and we slice and serve... making this recipe crazy piece of cake. Since there are only four steps (prep, broil, roast, remainder) they need to be followed exactly.

Be certain to evenly cover your roast with seasonings and butter. Rub salt, pepper, and herbs likewise every bit garlic into any grooves in the meat and so you take flavor all over. Go your oven scorching hot before calculation roast to broil, and broil for a full 15 minutes.

Lower heat and don't impact the roast until information technology's done - you can bank check the internal temperature to get to your desired doneness, but otherwise, sit dorsum and enjoy the amazing smell while your oven does the work! The number i way to mess up this roast is to over-fiddle with it.

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

Tips to Perfect Ribeye Roast & FAQs

Let it remainder. Nosotros'll talk about this again in a infinitesimal because information technology'due south so important - but when your roast is washed, let that sucker have a minute to pull itself together. Don't cut your roast too early on. Allow those juices go happy to keep your roast tender and juicy!

Do You Accept To Tie Ribeye Roast? Often when making roasts and prime rib, people necktie the roast to help go along them circular, or to proceed a stuffing in - but I adopt to non tie my ribeye roast since the meat stays in a great shape even when cooked without tying. For me, less work always equals a win!

I am a notoriously lazy cook when it comes to tying things off, I don't even tie off my Roasted Montreal Chicken or my Paper Bag Roasted Turkey - I prefer to move rapidly in the kitchen, and tying off a roast isn't necessary, simply can improve the look of the roast if you're going for an impressive presentation.

Just like making tender, juicy prime number rib and rotisserie prime rib, making ribeye roast is simple, delicious, and easy enough that even beginnger home cooks can confidently make a knockout holiday dinner.

How To Carve Ribeye Roast. Even though prime number rib and ribeye roast are incredibly similar, the ribeye roast really shines when it comes time to carve. Unlike a prime number rib, there is no bone in a ribeye roast - and then you can cook it whole, and then piece hands to serve. I slice my ribeye roast similar to how I would piece a meatloaf - cut with a large, heavy knife in a fluid move to create thick slices, against the grain of the meat.

If your ribeye roast is a chip jiggly, it might even so be too warm. Roast is easier to cut after about 20-30 minutes. Later on that, you lot can hold it tightly together with 1 hand equally yous slice.

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

Allow Ribeye Roast Rest for 30 Minutes. No thing your carving choices or technique, there is one difficult and fast dominion you must stick to for juicy and tender ribeye roast: You must let roast residual for 30 minutes before carving. If carved too quickly, the roast will quickly release all of it'southward juices and dry out.

Tent your roast in foil for at to the lowest degree 30 minutes out of the oven before carving.

What Temperature To Cook Ribeye Roast To? Ribeye roast, like prime rib, is best medium rare - which volition have about two hours 20 minutes roasting time.

For each of these cooktimes, you will actually be looking for 10 degrees under your target for when you pull the roast out of the oven.... considering it will go on to melt as you tent it in foil.

The temperature beneath shows when to REMOVE meat - information technology will cook some other 10 degrees while tented with foil.

For rare ribeye roast, the in-oven temperature should be 105-110 degrees.

For medium rare to medium ribeye roast, the in-oven temperature should be 110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

For well done ribeye roast, the in-oven temperature should exist 130 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can accommodate your cooktime based on those temperatures - and retrieve the sides will exist closer to well done while the middle will be much more than carmine/pink - so you lot tin can still serve everyone a piece they prefer.

How To Serve Ribeye Roast - Ribeye roast makes for a fabulous centerpiece for Christmas dinners, Lord's day suppers, or other dinner parties particularly considering it is so easy to make. To serve ribeye roast, I slice into thick slices (similar to prime rib) and serve in a large platter. I set up out horseradish, au jus, or other sauce to dip ribeye roast in.

Ribeye roast is delicious with hearty side dishes like mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, garlic butter potatoes, and more. Ribeye roast is fifty-fifty better as leftovers, sliced thinly on rye breadstuff for a delicious ribeye sandwich!

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

Recipe FAQ's

When is ribeye roast done?

For a medium rare ribeye roast (equally pictured here), roast is done cooking in the oven at 110-115 degrees.
Remember that the roast volition continue to cook after removing from the oven - so cooking over 110-115 in the oven will result in a more done roast.

How long do I cook ribeye roast?

Since ribeye roast tin can wildly vary in size, you lot need to go off your digital meat thermometer, non the clock - only plan around 2 hours.

My roast is jiggly and hard to cutting - how can I cut information technology more hands?

If your roast is notwithstanding a bit jiggly, and hard to get a clean, like shooting fish in a barrel slice, y'all need to let it rest and set a bit longer. Effort 10 minutes, uncovered, to let it rest - and then cleave again.

How much roast practise I need per person?

Plan on most ane pound of roast per person.

Is ribeye roast the same equally prime rib?

Prime rib is sometimes called a "standing rib" roast, because the bones enable it to stand upright for roasting, even though most people cook them down for better roasting these days. A ribeye roast is cut from the same area equally a prime rib roast - but removes the bone earlier cooking.

While a prime rib roast will include a ribeye roast, a ribeye roast focuses on the marbled ribeye steak meat surface area - when you purchase one, you can easily cutting ribeye steaks yourself from the roast - or you can melt as we are here for a rich, juicy, and delicious meaty flavor similar to prime number rib and just as indulgent - just with no bones to mess around with!

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

What To Serve With Ribeye Roast

Ribeye roast, like any roast or prime rib, is bang-up with hearty, rich, and succulent home mode sides - and of form, is spectacular with perfect mashed potatoes!

Light-green beans, brussels sprouts, mushrooms,fresh baked artisan staff of life - they all pair fabulously with this ribeye roast!

To see my favorite sides to serve with a ribeye roast, delight check out my list below:

  • Brown Butter Bacon Broiled Brussels Sprouts Recipe

  • The Best Yeast Rolls Recipe

  • Garlic Butter Sausage and Mushroom Stuffing

  • Easy Baked Tomato Pie Recipe

  • Crispy Roasted Potatoes

  • The Best Classic Light-green Bean Casserole Recipe

  • Keto Garlic Artichoke Rolls Recipe

  • Easy Roasted Beets and Sweets

  • The All-time Piece of cake Baked Scalloped Corn Recipe
  • Perfect Creamy Mashed Potatoes Recipe
  • Crispy Herbed Potatoes
  • The Best Oven Roasted Garlic Parmesan Asparagus Recipe
  • The Best French Onion Soup Ever
  • The All-time Like shooting fish in a barrel Keto Mashed Cauliflower Recipe

Or you can visit our side dish archives here.

picture of ribeye roast on a wood cutting board next to bowl of horseradish

The Best Ribeye Roast Recipe

If you lot honey the best ribeye roast recipe as much as I do, delight help me share on facebook and pinterest, and please requite information technology a five star rating (but click the stars in the recipe below!)

picture of sliced ribeye roast on a wood cutting board

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Prep Fourth dimension: 5 minutes

Cook Fourth dimension: 2 hours 20 minutes

Additional Fourth dimension: 30 minutes

Total Time: two hours 55 minutes

The Best Ribeye Roast Recipe - easy and delicious boneless ribeye roast with a crunchy crust and tons of juicy ribeye flavor with nigh no piece of work - this recipe is perfect for even beginner cooks!


  • 1 ribeye roast, virtually v pounds
  • 4tbsp melted butter, for brushing
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • ii tablespoons kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp italian seasonings


    1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
    2. Place roast in a shallow roasting pan with the fatty side upwardly.
    3. Embrace ribeye roast with melted butter.
    4. Combine garlic, table salt, and seasonings in a small-scale basin.
    5. Cover roast with herbs and seasonings.
    6. Place roast in roasting pan in oven for 15 minutes at 450 degrees.
    7. Afterwards 15 minutes, reduce oestrus to 325ºF and continue roasting for approximately 2 hours (when thermometer registers 110 degrees Fahrenheit), or conform for desired doneness, checking temperature with a thermometer.
    8. For rare ribeye roast, the in-oven temperature should be 105-110 degrees. For medium rare to medium ribeye roast, the in-oven temperature should be 120 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. For well done ribeye roast, the in-oven temperature should be 130 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
    9. Transfer roast to cut lath or cooling rack and tent with foil and let residue fifteen-xxx minutes.
    10. Slice across the grain to serve.

    Nutrition Data



    Serving Size


    Amount Per Serving Calories 94 Total Fat 9g Saturated Fat 5g Trans Fatty 0g Unsaturated Fat 3g Cholesterol 24mg Sodium 1639mg Carbohydrates 2g Net Carbohydrates 0g Fiber 1g Sugar 0g Carbohydrate Alcohols 0g Poly peptide 3g

    Nutrition is automatically calculated by Nutritionix - please verify all diet information independently and consult with a md or nutritionist for any and all medical and diet advice.

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